Any FLV Player

An easy-to-use web video player utility for playing FLV (MPEG-4 encoded video file for Flash) files on the Internet

Japanese Version

Any FLV Player:

  • FLV Player
  • Download Any FLV Player  Purchase Any FLV Player & Converter Full Version

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  • Version 2.1.0 [Jul 04, 2022] Bugs fixed
  • Version 2.0.1 [May 30, 2022] Bugs fixed
  • Version 2.0.0 [Apr 08, 2022] Playlist supported
  • Version 1.2.0 [Feb 25, 2022] Added two new languages,bugs fixed
  • Version 1.1.3 [Dec 18, 2021] Added Multi-language support
  • Version 1.1.2 [Jun 08, 2022] Bugs fixed
  • Version 1.0.2 [Apr 28, 2022] Improved the SWF player object, bugs fixed

  • Version 1.0.1 [Apr 23, 2022] First version 1.0.1 released

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How to embed multiple video players into the same webpage

Below is the guide to embed more than one web player into the same webpage.

First, click on the link below and follow the tutorial to publish web video files for the first player. (Rename the first folder " output " to "output1")

Example of the first player:

When completed, follow the tutorial again and publish web video files for the second player, and so forth. (Rename the second folder " output " to "output2")

Example of the second player:

Open the web page of the second player and copy the codes between "<table></table>". Create a new Notepad and paste the codes. Then change the paths like this:

You may also change the paths following the guide:

Now, copy the modified codes above. Open the web page of the first player with Dreamweaver and paste the above codes into html, as shown below.

Now, upload the above folders "output1" and "output2" to the root directory of the website.

Example of the two players on the same webpage:

If you want to add more players to the same page, just follow the above same guide.